Palliative Approach to Care for Workers who Support People who are Homeless in Canada
This website contains two of three parts of a course on a palliative approach to care for workers who support people who are homeless.
The course consists of
Part 2: in-person workshop
To obtain information about a facilitator’s guide for Part 2 (in-person workshop), contact
This course was developed as the result of a collaboration between the SE Research Centre and a Steering Committee of palliative care experts from Toronto, Victoria, and Calgary.
Through a co-design process, the topics to include in the course and ways of learning the information were identified by workers providing care to people with life-limiting or chronic illnesses. To read more about the development of the course, click here and here.
with thanks to
Learn about a palliative approach to care through the life-like story of Angela, a worker, and Stephan, an individual experiencing homelessness.